Kamis, 30 April 2009


Kebersamaan memang teramat mudah tuk di lafadzkan

Hingga setiap gerakan dan ucapan kerap pun mengatasnamakannya

Tak terhingga batas serta jarak tempuh tuk menggalang akannya

Namun kebersamaan tak selamanya indah dalam pelaksanaanya

Terlebih ketika kebersamaan hanya dapat di nikmati segelintir manusia

Dengan alasan apapun tetaplah semua itu berarti dusta belaka

Adakah kebersamaan hanya dimiliki segelintir orang sahaja

Ataukan memang segelintir orang dengan kepentingan mereka

Itulah yang telah dan tengah mengatasnamakan kebersamaan

Kemudian dimana letak kebersamaan ‘idaman’ tersebut

Selanjutnya siapa yang kalian ataupun kau sebut sebagai kebersamaan

Adakah kami patung sekedar pelengkap tuk artikan kata kebersamaan

Atau mungkin kau kira kami terlalu bodoh tuk terus engkau kelabuhi

Ingatlah, bahwa dalam kebersamaan banyak yang mengamatimu

Tanpa pernah kau lupa kebersamaan ini sebatas amanat almamater kita

Waspadalah sepandai-pandainya tupai melompat akan jatuh juga

Celakalah ketika seseorang terjatuh dan sekitarannya menertawakan

Minggu, 12 April 2009

13 April,.

Taburan bintang gemerlap bagaikan ribuan kunang-kunang

Cengkraman kesejukan malam menusuk masuk menyentuh tulang

Tarian mesra sang rembulan elok menghiasi malam penuh keindahan

Terangi hati kita semua tepat di malam hari ulang tahunmu

Satu tahun tambah usiamu, semoga lebih mendewasakan dirimu

Gepakkan sayapmu terjanglah angkuhnya deras arus kehidupan

Perjalananmu masihlah panjang tuk menggapai semua tujuan

Tiada terkira bahagiaku terlahir dengan adik semanis dirimu

Harapan bukan harapan, namun impianku hanyalah inginkan bahagiamu

Sepanjang langkah mungilmu terayun, syarat terlantun dukungan ayah & ibu

Ingatlah bahwa kami sangat nantikan goresan pena kebahagiaanmu terukir abadi

Teruslah berkibar adikku, tunjukkan pada kami bahwa kamu mampu

Sabtu, 04 April 2009

The history of Gontor Lama

Gontor is a place located approximately 3 KM east of Tegalsari and 11 KM to the southeast of the city Ponorogo. At that time Gontor is still a forest area that has not been a lot of people were. Moreover, this forest is known as "hiding the marauder, brigand, bandit, drunkard, etc.”

This is where young Kyai Sulaiman Jamaluddin whose given by law to pioneer Tegalsari pondok pesantren like. With a 40 santri brough by Kyai Caliph to him, the group of them are Gone to the village to establish Pondok Pesantren in the village Gontor.
Pondok Gontor founded by Kyai Sulaiman Jamaluddin is growing rapidly, especially when led by the son he named Kyai Archam Anom Besari. Their students (santri) came from various regions in Java, it seems that many also come from santri Pasundan area in West Java. After Kyai Archam died, hut followed by his son called Santoso Anom Besari. Kyai Santoso is a third generation of the founders of Gontor Lama. On this third generation of leadership old Gontor (Gontor Lama) began receding; education and teaching activities in boarding start fade. Among the decreased is because of lack of attention to the regeneration.
Number of santri only a few and they learn in a small mosque, which is no longer as many times before. Although Pondok Gontor is not as advanced at the time of her grandmother and father, Kyai Santoso still bent on enforcing religious Gontor village. He remained a prominent figure and a reference in the various religious and social issues in the village and the surrounding Gontor. In the age that has not been so advanced, Kyai Santoso called on Allah SWT. When Kyai Santoso death, the heyday Gontor Lama truly gone or missed. Brothers Kyai Santoso no longer affords to replace it to maintain the existence of Gontor. Nyai Santoso but apparently does not want to see Pondok Gontor ended and disappeared swallowed history. He works hard educated son and daughter to be able to continue the struggle grandmother’s heritage, the Gontor revive the dead. Nyai Santoso herself then entered three of her sons to some boarding and other educational institutions to have a religion. They are Ahmad Sahal, Zainuddin Fannani, and Imam Zarkasyi. Unfortunately, the high-minded mother who had never witnessed this resurrection Gontor back in the hands of the third from her son. He died while three of her sons still in study.
Kyai Santoso Anom Besari died and fall in line with the triumph of Gontor Lama, Gontor village and the surrounding areas appear to be obedient before starting to lose grip. They turned into people who leave the religion, and even anti-religious. Life of mo-Limo (5M of bad habits): maling (steal), madon (sex abuse), mendem (suck drag), minum (drunk), and maen (gamble) has become a daily habit. This added to the influenced by gemblakan (fight) tradition among the warok (stronger person in village).
Thus tradition and atmosphere of a society and its surroundings Gontor after loosed heyday of Gontor Lama.

(i've came to support my assignment)